The Hoffman Process is a unique intensive psycho-emotional education program, in which over 150,000 people have participated worldwide in the past 50+ years. A review of existing research shows that participating in the 7 day residential program has a positive and lasting effect on overall psychological adjustment, in particular, reducing negative affect while improving positive affect, health and wellbeing.
This is the only personal development retreat in the world to be independently backed by research. Learn what the Hoffman Process is, who takes it, how it works and how it can help people becomes their best selves regardless of their history.
Volker Krohn
Director of Hoffman Institute International and Hoffman Centre Australia/ Singapore
The Hoffman Process provides a safe place where you can focus on healing behaviour patterns that stem from childhood wounds. Investing time and energy into your own healing and self-discovery is one of the most rewarding things you can do.
Over the past 50+ years, thousands of people from all walks of life have benefited from the Hoffman Process. We receive ongoing referrals from therapists, counsellors, and other healthcare professionals.
People come with a strong desire to make lasting positive changes and to accelerate their personal growth and development. 90% of participants are between the ages of 30 and 60. Many are executives or professionals, their spouses and other adult family members and friends. Since 1967, more than 150,000 people worldwide have used the Process to achieve greater balance, inner peace, vitality and overall well-being.
Over the years, hundreds of psychotherapists have participated in the Hoffman Process and experienced the Process as a safe place to do their own work and to create lasting changes. Subsequently, they have referred many of their clients as a powerful addition to individual therapy.
People come to the Hoffman Process to improve the quality of their lives and to create lasting positive change.
There are many reasons why people choose to do the Process. These include, but are not limited to issues with intimacy, relationship, family, career, creativity, and personal power; enthusiasm, energy and depression; spirituality, the meaning of life, connection and belonging;, compulsive or addictive behaviours, and unwanted personal limitations including stress and anxiety.
We see people who have achieved material success but cannot freely give and receive love. They feel something is missing. Others are in a life transition, perhaps feeling a loss of meaning in their relationships or careers, a sense of being uninspired with their world
We also work with adults who grew up in difficult or even abusive families, Some, needing a breakthrough, are referred by therapists. We see religious and spiritual practitioners as well as students of the human potential movement who know that something is still missing. And we work with parents who see themselves passing their pain onto their children.
Here is a list of statements that you can review to see if the Hoffman Process is for you.
If one or more of these statements apply to you, we recommend that you consider taking the Process. Contact us to discuss how the Process can assist you to resolve the patterns that let to these experiences.
Through the Hoffman Process, you will come to know yourself emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually as never before. The Process offers deep and rapid resolution of emotional issues and enables you to come to terms with life as it is. You can recover the love, happiness, ease of self-expression, and emotional intelligence that are your birthright, and emerge as a renewed powerful and mature adult. It induces a renewed sense of leadership in a person’s life.
The Hoffman Process is a comprehensive 3-month personal development program, the foundation of which is a 7 day intensive residential retreat. We recommend that you spend the two days following the 7 day program as time for personal reflection and integration. On that weekend the whole group reconvenes for a 2 hours tutorial about how to apply the tools of the Process in daily life. Our experience is that participants notice positive results immediately. Of course, there is also a period of adjustment in the days and weeks following the Process while you integrate insights and knowledge into your daily life. For the first 3 weeks after the Process, the facilitators track the integration process weekly via phone calls.
All our Hoffman teachers have completed very rigorous training in the methodology of the Hoffman Process. They are highly trained therapists and mature professionals grounded in various disciplines. Our teachers provide instruction and personalized individual guidance to ensure that each student progresses successfully through the Process and learns tools for ongoing development.
Typical Process size ranges from 20 to 23 participants with one certified Hoffman Process teacher for every six to eight students.
The Hoffman Process runs from 9am Saturday morning and concludes at 1:30pm on Friday afternoon. There is a tutorial the day after the Process ends on Saturday from 10am – 12:30pm in Byron Bay town centre.
Preparing for a mental health retreat is an important part of the process. Some things to consider when preparing for a mental health retreat include:
The Hoffman Process allows you to set your anxieties aside so you may focus on changing negative patterns from your past. During the Process, you will work with our highly-trained facilitators to discover and resolve the thought and behavioural patterns that affect your relationships.
The Process’s cognitive, intuitive, and therapeutic tasks are intended to help you gain a new perspective on the parts of life that are most important to you. The program will include lectures, group discussions, guided meditations, journals, therapeutic exercises, play, and one-on-one time with facilitators.
While the majority of the Process takes place in groups, it is not the same as traditional “talk therapy.” It is instead done through experiential learning, which has therapeutic benefits such as increased self-love and compassion, as well as decreased anxiety and depression. You will walk away from the Process with a set of skills and techniques that will be useful to you in the future.
By regularly investing time and energy into your own healing and self-discovery, you can continue to learn valuable tools and techniques to help you better manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
Take advantage of our free consultation and speak with one of our consultants.
Find out in 5 minutes if the Hoffman Process is right for you.